LEDdynamics Inc.
LEDdynamics, a custom engineering company, is committed to designing and integrating the LED technology. We serve for end-user and OEM applications. During 20 years of development, the world continues to innovate in the fields of computing, telecommunications and biotechnology. In the meantime, the technology popularized by Thomas Edison in 1879 is still in use today. Light becomes the most important tool in life.To change the nature of illumination is LEDdynamics’ goal .
LEDdynamics Inc.
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. What does 3M stand for?
2002 – Centennial Name Change. As 3M employees celebrated 3M's centennial anniversary, “3M Company” becomes the legal name for 3M—originally incorporated as Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company.
2. Where is 3M Company from?
Two Harbors, Minnesota, United States
3. Is 3M unionized?
He served until 1977. 3M was proud of its good management-employee relationships. ... Since 1999, unionized employees have been represented by the United Steelworkers.
4. Are all 3M products made in USA?
It's very difficult to find American-made products these days, but St. Paul, Minnesota based 3M Company, is striving to make it easier. 3M products used mostly by the U.S. electrical industry are made in places such as New Ulm and Hutchinson, MN and Chelmsford, MA.
5. Is Scotch owned by 3M?
The Scotch brand, Scotch Tape and Magic Tape are registered trademarks of 3M.
6. What is 3M famous for?
3M Company is known for its culture of innovation and investment in research and development which has resulted in the invention of many new products for both the industrial and consumer markets.
7. How many patents does 3M hold?
How many patents does 3M hold? Technology and innovation are at the heart of 3M – the company has been granted more than 118,000 patents, and each year, more than 4,000 new patents are issued to 3M worldwide.
8. Why is 3M so successful?
The root of 3M's success is its business model; to foster organic growth by inventing entirely new, market-changing products. ... In order to foster this growth, 3M has always emphasized the important of research and development (R&D) to which the company dedicates six percent of its yearly revenue.
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